Improved Business Results Start with a Plan

Business Results Start with a Plan

Business leaders who want to see improved business results must first present to their employees a launch path to success. That does not mean that all the answers to the organization’s challenges must be provided by the leader. In fact, employees should be fully engaged in finding new, unexpected, and beneficial solutions to critical problems. They should also be challenged to find innovative ways to exploit opportunities.
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Seven Questions to Build a Short-Term Plan for Business Survival

Seven Questions to Build a Short-Term Plan for Business Survival

Due to the pandemic and resulting economic meltdown, businesses are facing an unparalleled assault on their ability to stay viable. While these are anxious and unprecedented times, business leaders must focus their energy on addressing the acute issues that will impede their ability to stay in business. Now is not the time for perfection, but it is the time for clear, focused thinking, about decisive actions to drive immediate results.
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