Each package includes Leader Guides, Participant Guides and Presentation Slides. In addition, we include a brochure that explains the program to prospects.
Facilitate a Strategic Planning Session with a world-class Program you can own.
with detailed instructions that take you through the preparation, conduct and follow-up of the sessions.
to print and provide at the beginning of the sessions.
to link all of the ideas, concepts and exercises within the program.
that explains the program to prospects.
All of these materials will be available for your unlimited use. They come unbranded – our logo and corporate name are not found on the covers, so you can profile them as you wish.
OWN THE COMPLETE PACKAGE NOW FOR US $699“Fertilizer Canada is dedicated to delivering exceptional member value to the manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers in our industry. Hewat Strategic Edge has been invaluable in facilitating our strategic plan, assisting us with our governance reviews and providing support to strengthen our system of committees.”
Garth Whyte, President and CEO of Fertilizer Canada
The Leader Guide sets the facilitator up for success.
Each Leader Guide provides advice about getting organized in advance of the sessions. It provides step-by-step instructions for each segment of the planning process. It will indicate what slide to present and what information in the Participant Guide should be covered. Each exercise is described in detail, so the facilitator will know exactly what to do each step of the way.
Each program is built around a few models and frameworks. The Leader Guide provides advice about mastering these models and frameworks, so facilitator is perceived as an expert with the confidence to move the participants through the process.
The Participant Guides are professional grade documents which illustrate each element of the step-by-step process. The Participant Guides enable the participant to follow the process, make notes and refer back to previous discussions.
The Participant Guides offer an opportunity to those who want to master the concepts introduced in the session. They provide comfort to those who typically worry about ‘where are we going’ with the process. They reinforce your ability as a facilitator to keep the process moving.
The quality of the Participant Guides reinforces the sense that the process is proven, efficient, effective and high value.
The Participant Guide is the first experience most participants will have with the program. Just having it in front of them prior to the start of the program demonstrates professionalism.
Presentation slides are the glue to a well-run planning process. Each slide has both graphic and narrative detail.
Showing slides ensures that everyone knows what is being discussed and it helps them to connect to the relevant pages in their Participant Guide.
The slides are very beneficial when introducing the models and frameworks. They are also extremely useful when introducing the exercises that generate ideas.
The Presentation Slides and the Participant Guides have the same ‘look and feel’, thereby reinforcing the professional approach to the planning process.